If items are enchanted for example, the item id remains the same but additional ids are appended. Thanks for keeping this addon going! I'd be lost without it! Or a configuration issue that I'm missing? Is this a known issue/limitation/bug/etc. It says I have 12 auctions of all them, when in reality, I have 6 different auctions going. This really gets confusing when I'm trying to auction them. When I mouse over one of them, it counts all the bracers of all types, and says I have 12 of them, when in reality, I have 2 of 6 different kinds. I have several items of the same type (bracers, for example) made by leatherworking, but with different suffixes (of the galeburst, of the windflurry, etc.) and Armory can't seem to tell these apart. Skillet\UI\a:2893: SkilletFrameForceClose() rface\AddOns\Armory\Frames\a:112: CloseTradeSkill() rface\AddOns\Armory\Frames\a:126: ArmoryTradeSkill_Update() \AddOns\Armory\Core\a line 406:īad sub class in CollapseTradeSkillSubClassĪrmory\Core\a:687: UpdateTradeSkill() And finally the members of the Neighbours guild (Pluis!) and others who helped me test the alpha builds. And you! Who translated Armory to make it easier for non-English speaking players. And you! Who made a donation so I can keep my subscription active (I hardly play WoW anymore). Word of Thanks First of all to you! For using Armory and keeping me inspired by providing positive feedback.
#World of warcraft armory download
public download page of the Neighbours guild with more add-ons, patches and descriptions of the downloads above.ArmoryDataTool merge Armory data files of multiple accounts (Windows).Agb2Xml converts ArmoryGuildBank LUA to XML file (Windows).

AGR Joomla! Component a component for Joomla! 1.x websites that provides an overview of guild recipes (based on AGR XML files) (PHP).Agr2Xml converts ArmoryGuildRecipes LUA to XML file (Windows).ArmoryGuildRecipes collects recipes from guild members running Armory (/ar download) for publishing purposes.Bagnon_Armory replacement for Bagnon_Forever that retrieves information from Armory instead (created by Tuller).And here you can read how it all started. For those interested: I drink black, extra dark roast. Coffee If you like to express your appreciation for the effort that has been put into Armory (and keep me awake to be able to maintain it), press the donate button and buy me a cup of coffee.
#World of warcraft armory how to
Please read How to file tickets before posting. The best thing to do in this case is file a ticket.įiling a ticket is not hard but you need a Curse account. Also you have no idea what happened with your post and you will not be able to track its status. This may result in your post being unnoticed. Especially long stack dumps will clutter up the comments section and make it hard to follow. Bug Reports and Feature Requests The comments are not meant to be used for reporting bugs and feature requests. Additional software, like ArmoryGuildRecipes, its XML exporter and a Joomla! web site plug-in, as well as a tool to merge databases from different accounts can be found on the Neighbours Guild Website. Here you can also access the localization tab which provides an interface to make things easier on translators. More Information More detailed information about Armory can be found on the project site.
#World of warcraft armory full
Please visit CurseForge for a full feature list. Tooltip enhancement and equipment comparison tooltips.Searchable Guild Bank that updates itself automatically without visiting the bank yourself.Share quests, recipes and character information with other Armory users.Friends, ignores and events of all your characters.Quest logs and spell books of all your characters.Searchable inventory, including bags, bank, mailbox and auctioned items.Detailed profession information of all your characters.Enables the use of a compact character frame.All armory information as (once) seen on the official site from Blizzard Entertainment, in game, for all your characters, on all realms.Please visit CurseForge for an updated version. This add-on is no longer being updated here.